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Gate Keepers


If we cannot help you we will do our best to find someone who can 

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Holding Hands


028  3833  9656 

10 am to 10 pm every day


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It's Okay

Pooh woke up that morning, and, for reasons that he didn't entirely understand, couldn't stop the tears from coming. He sat there in bed, his little body shaking, and he cried, and cried, and cried.

Amidst his sobs, the phone rang.

It was Piglet.

"Oh Piglet," said Pooh, between sobs, in response to his friend's gentle enquiry as to how he was doing. "I just feel so Sad. So, so, Sad, almost like I might not ever be happy again. And I know that I shouldn't be feeling like this. I know there are so many people who have it worse off than me, and so I really have no right to be crying, with my lovely house, and my lovely garden, and the lovely woods all around me. But oh, Piglet: I am just SO Sad."

Piglet was silent for a while, as Pooh's ragged sobbing filled the space between them. Then, as the sobs turned to gasps, he said, kindly: "You know, it isn't a competition."

"What isn't a competition?" asked a confused sounding Pooh.

"Sadness. Fear. Grief," said Piglet. "It's a mistake we often make, all of us. To think that, because there are people who are worse off than us, that that somehow invalidates how we are feeling. But that simply isn't true. You have as much right to feel unhappy as the next person; and, Pooh - and this is the really important bit - you also have just as much right to get the help that you need."

"Help? What help?" asked Pooh. "I don't need help, Piglet.

"Do I?"

Pooh and Piglet talked for a long time, and Piglet suggested to Pooh some people that he might be able to call to talk to, because when you are feeling Sad, one of the most important things is not to let all of the Sad become trapped inside you, but instead to make sure that you have someone who can help you, who can talk through with you how the Sad is making you feeling, and some of the things that might be able to be done to support you with that.

What's more, Piglet reminded Pooh that this support is there for absolutely everyone, that there isn't a minimum level of Sad that you have to be feeling before you qualify to speak to someone.

Finally, Piglet asked Pooh to open his window and look up at the sky, and Pooh did so.

"You see that sky?" Piglet asked his friend. "Do you see the blues and the golds and that big fluffy cloud that looks like a sheep eating a carrot?"

Pooh looked, and he could indeed see the blues and the golds and the big fluffy cloud that looked like a sheep eating a carrot.

"You and I," continued Piglet, "we are both under that same sky. And so, whenever the Sad comes, I want you to look up at that sky, and know that, however far apart we might be physically...we are also, at the same time, together. Perhaps, more together than we have ever been before."

"Do you think this will ever end?" asked Pooh in a small voice.

"This too shall pass," confirmed Piglet. "And I promise you, one day, you and I shall once again sit together, close enough to touch, sharing a little smackerel of something...under that blue gold sky."

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What makes us a gatekeeper?

And why are gates significant to us?

 This is my gate and it has a lot of significance for me. A good friend sent me this photo and said that every time she sees it she thinks of me. Sh has no idea just how significant they are to me. The gate is near a church I used to drive to, year in year out to camp in a field, struggle with the facilities and the weather and meet the Lord in a tent, days full of  good memories. The security men would close the gates at night and to try and make sure we were safe inside but we did not always obey the rules. 

This gate is one of the old fashioned types of gates. It is riveted for strength and the two crosses in the middle are made from twisted beaten metal. The gold over the cherubim on the altar is the only gold that was not poured into a mold. Instead the angels that cover the mercy seat were themselves covered in a gold that was still intact because it was beaten gold. Instead of being formed in the natural way this gold was beaten beyond all recognition. The gold that covers the angels over the flame of God took the blows that formed it. The angels that were chosen to cover the mercy seat knew what it was to be beaten into shape at the mercy seat. Jesus  also know what it is like to be beaten. He took the blows for us that took the shape of our struggles. The struggles that form us into who we are. Jesus knows and still loves us despite what we have done and His blows, the beating He took protects us from the wrath of God that is revealed in the glory of God at the mercy seat.  Our great high priest  invites us to enter the presence of God through the symbolism of the ark of the covenant and the glory of God that shines pure and holy, the shekinah.

My gate is where the Lord calls me into His presence, and I would rather be a gatekeeper in the house of the Lord than dwell in the the tents of the wicked, but why is my gate special to me? The first thing I seen was that my gate has a V right in the middle of it because it is the one that has been shaped for me. My gate has beaten metal on the crosses in the middle because my Jesus was beaten and that is central to me becoming a gatekeeper. Judges 5 v 7 says there was war at the gates. Gates have a lot of symbolism all over the bible. From the elders sitting at the gates of the city and overseeing the town's affairs.  To the priests washing their hands the gates of the tabernacle before entering the presence of God right through to the disciples healing the paralysed man at the gates of the temple and many more examples God revealed himself at the gates of transition. 

My gate has a bar on the bottom left, a strengthening bar.  God has given Trevor to me and our marriage is strong but it has had its share of struggles. He gives me strength and he holds me stable. He told me that we had a gate just like this years ago on our land.  We have a war outside our gates today but the Lord is our shepherd. We have leant a lot since Trevor became a shepherd of sheep, both the human and now the animal variety, but that is Trevors story for him to tell. 

My gate is unique to me. My gate has my name on it and opens to allow me to enter. Jesus said he was the way the thruth and the life, no man comes to the Father only through Him. My greatest privilage is to open my gate and allow Jesus access in.      

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All the Resources You Need are Available Somewhere

At Gate Keepers, we  will attempt to go above and beyond to make sure your life is made easier by providing you a wide range of resources that are accessible to you at any given time during the day. If we do not have the resources we will do our best to signpost you to the right source of help for you  Our blogs will update you on more about what we offer, and see what makes us different than the rest.

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The prophecy and photo that started it all in March 2019

A year later March 2020 Gatekeepers was launched into the unknown adventure of going through with God

Read this today and thought of you Keep moving in all God has for you to do. Have a Blessed Day 
The Doorway to Your Destiny

… Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us (Philippians 3:13–14, NLT).

Different seasons in our lives will bring us to gates — gates we’re tempted to sit in front of rather than walk through, either because we’re afraid of the process of walking through or the things we may face on the other side. And these gates can take many forms …

Fear — paralyzed and crippled by the what-ifs.
Unbelief — not trusting God.
Procrastination — putting off until tomorrow what you can do today.
Failure — letting your past dictate your future.
Shame — allowing the mistakes you’ve made or things others have done to you to keep you from your destiny.
The key to walking through each of these gates is to make what Jesus did for you bigger than anything else.

You might not be able to change the past, but you can change the future. That gate blocking your path can become the doorway to your destiny, and I’m praying you’ll walk through it today. God is with you, and He’s ready to help you!

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“Every man is guilty of all the good he did not do”


My Sheep know my voice
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Judges 5 verses  6 to 8

The highways were deserted,     People walked away from being with each other
And the travelers walked along the byways.   Feeling lonely and isolated
Village life ceased, it ceased in Israel,   It takes a village to bring up a child
Until I, Deborah, arose,     Where are they when you need them?
Arose; a mother in Israel.    Rise up spiritual mothers and fathers?
They chose new gods;          If we dont tell them the truth, who will? 
Then there was war in the gates;       What happens if we dont go?

Isaiah 6 Who will we send ?

 Aims and Objectives in helping the community 

To promote a Christian response in a culture of all abilities and disabilities.   Facilitate healing in all ages and stages of life individually and in a network of multicultural community relationships. 

To provide counselling, mentoring, mediation, workshops, seminars in life skills and personal development classes, support groups, crisis helpline and 24/7 prayer room.  

Objectives  “Thus let all Your enemies perish, O LORD! Judges 5

One Step at a Time

Optimal vital mental and physical health through teaching the wisdom of Jesus. 
Jesus is our wounded healer and calls us to bring His wholeness through the Father. 
We are ministers of reconciliation as the Holy spirit directs with discernment  
We safely create a sacred place to heal and restore in one to one counselling, helplines, mentoring, support groups,alongside teaching and training workshops.

What is our response? Is it taken from Isaiah 6? Here I am, Lord send me?

Reinforcing our commitment to be the hands of Jesus, following His heart and example.

 But let those who love Him be like the sun   When it comes out in full strength.”

We love and serve the Lord Jesus Christ because he came from heaven to earth to live a holy life. He was crucified; He died;  He was buried but He is now risen and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He is praying for us now. He will return again in triumph for His bride and create a new heaven and  a new earth. He is alive and is praying for us and the Father directs the Holy Spirit to form us into wounded healers as He brings wholeness through us to a broken and lost humanity.

Target group; a generation thrived.There was peace at the gate for forty years.

Reinforcing our Commitment

Art and Craft workshops in house, and creative events in the community sector   
One to one counselling, mentoring, therapeutic peer groups, 
Continious personal development courses for all ages and stages of life
Psychoeducational and psychosocial teaching and training multifunctional skills
Training in life skills including nutrition and environmental restoration and theology
Referral network for professional services, support groups and statutory agencies
Support of disadvantaged and disenfranchised through the local community  
Raising funds by utilising the existing agencies and creating new infrastructures.

Three generations who welcome the lonely into the family of God. 
The fields are white unto harvest but the labourers are few. 
Pray the Lord of the harvest that He sends workers.

Helping The Community

Team leader 

Vivienne Kane


Committee members  

Maureen McMullen

Melanie McGee 

Karen McKitterick 

Sharon McCollum

Maria Herron

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We adhere to British Association of Counsellors and Psychotherapists [BACP] National Counselling Society [NCS] and, Association of Christian Counsellors [ACC]  codes of ethics and frameworks for good practice including their moral and value systems. We maintain the highest standards of confidentiality and have a duty of care to all parties.

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